
March 2018


Escaping the Comfort Zone

Is your comfort zone preventing you from growing? ​No one likes to admit it, but change scares us. We stick with what we’re comfortable with because it’s familiar and guaranteed. Stepping outside our comfort zone into unknown territory is scary and uncertain. But is this preventing you from becoming who you want to be? Why…

The Blame Game

Are you limiting your life by complaining, blaming and making excuses? How often do you find yourself complaining about your life? Or blaming someone else’s success on luck? Everyone has situations that’re out of their control, but it’s those who refuse to engage in placing blame elsewhere that succeed the most. When you play the…

What’s really causing your depression?

The first step to recovery is finding the cause To treat any major disease you have to know what’s causing it, right? Well depression’s no different. You can’t treat something if you don’t know what’s causing it. ​ This sounds obvious right, so why am I even bothering to bring this up. Well you’d be…

Depression & the chemical imbalance diagnosis

Is your biology really responsible for your depression? Medication is responsible for curing some truly awful diseases and illnesses. But, somewhere along the way society has become “too” addicted to medication. This is especially true for antidepressants. Antidepressants have a purpose but more and more they’re being used to solve problems that they weren’t intended…

21 inspirational gems from Disney movies

Even though they’re targeted more to children, Disney movies have an incredible knack for producing some great and inspiring advice for people of all ages. Here’ are 21 of the best quotes you may have missed over the years: Disney Screencaps  1.  Nothing great comes from easy – Robert Callaghan (Big Hero 6) 1. Nothing great…

9 Ways To Manage Perfectionism

​If I told you Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Eminem, James Cameron, Beyonce and John Lennon all have something in common, what would you think it was? Money? Fame? Groupies? Probably, but what I’m talking about is perfectionism!! ​ The point, being a perfectionist isn’t a bad thing, they have some great qualities. But when these…

Building Mental toughness

​The difference between happiness and success or misery and failure are the choices we make in life. And these choices are a direct result of our mental toughness. Problem is, we’re not all mentally tough enough! So what are the characteristics of mental toughness and how do you build on them? A recipe for a…

Is Perfectionism Paralyzing You?

Are you a perfectionist? You may not be not living up to your full potential! Perfectionism is the desire for everything to be just so!! But because life is rarely ever “just so” perfectionists often find themselves miserable and falling short of their goals, making life less enjoyable! Having awareness of the common signs of…