
Influence your Subconscious for Success

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How you can program your subconscious to help you succeed

You’re only what your subconscious allows you to be. And you alone hold the key to its power. So if you allow it, it can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy.

It’s incredible that with nothing but your subconscious you can attain all your desires and achieve all your goals.
In this article we’ll have a look at why our subconscious is so crucial to our well-being. The techniques that we can use to maximize its power. And how our thoughts play the most pivotal role when it comes to influencing it.

Dominant thoughts and your subconscious

It’s understood that up to 95% of our minds are occupied by the subconscious. So if 95% of how we instinctively think, feel and act is governed by our subconscious, then our subconscious has more control over us then we have over ourselves.

That’s why your subconscious is so important, because although we influence it, it controls us!! This isn’t something to be feared, although, while our subconscious has the power to help us, it also has the power to destroy us, if we let it. Imagine, 95% of your day is being swayed towards the negative, what chance would you have of making constructive changes in your life?

Fortunately there’s a solution. Our subconscious can be influenced just by using our thoughts.

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment” – Joseph Murphy

Programming your subconscious

Think of your subconscious like a computer program. It runs automatically on old programming, unless told otherwise. Which also means it’s able to be re-programmed.

Unfortunately most of us leave the programming of our subconscious to chance. And with all the negative daily dribble that’s circulating in our lives leaving it to chance is risky, because you’re gambling with your quality of your life. And like any gamble sooner or later you have to lose.
To counteract this we can influence our dominant thoughts with the use of self-suggestion. Which is the conscious selection of the thoughts that enter our thinking space. You choose whether your thoughts are of a positive, constructive and nourishing manner. Or whether they’re negative and harmful.

Why does this matter? Because dominant thoughts return from the subconscious in times of need. When destructive thoughts knock you down, your subconscious sends constructive thoughts to encourage you to get back up. If someone suggests that you’re no good, it’ll shield you. And when you doubt yourself, it’ll give you strength. Without recruiting it, your subconscious will have your back, no matter what.

But remember, before your subconscious can help you, you must first influence it to be constructive and supportive by using your thoughts.

“Whatever you determine to be true in the subconscious becomes true for you” ~ Ritchard Hatch

Influencing your subconscious

Influencing the subconscious is not easy. Below are the techniques I’ve found to be the most effective.Self-suggest

The first of the techniques is where you’ll write a list of your desires. Then after writing you’ll read those desires out in your head. Then read out loud so you can hear yourself. And finally, read out loud in front of a mirror so you can see yourself.

Using the combination of your own writing, reading, hearing and seeing helps convince your subconscious that you believe what you’re actually saying. And if you believe what you’re saying, so will your subconscious.

Influence thoughts in the present

When you use self-suggestion be sure to influence your dominant thoughts in the present, and not the future. Influence as if you already possess the thing which you’re suggesting. Doing this forces your subconscious into believing that you’re currently in possession of the thing you’re suggesting, as opposed to sometime in the future (possibly never).
Remember your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between real and fake. So this technique works by tricking your subconscious into believing that you already possess what you’re suggestion.
So influence in the present for more immediate results. E.g. “I am confident”, instead of “I will be more confident”, which suggests you’ll be confident someday in the future.

Visualise and imagine you already have it

It doesn’t even have to be true, remember your mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not. That may be hard to believe but think of it this way, if you’ve ever watched a horror movie you would’ve had an elevated level of fear, as if what you were watching was really happening. Now you know what you’re watching isn’t real, yet your fear remains. Why? Because your brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined. And this is how you can use self-suggestion to trick your brain into believing what you tell it.

Mixing thoughts with real emotion & feelings

Your subconscious doesn’t respond to reason, but rather emotion and feeling. So each of the techniques I’ve suggested must be mixed with real emotion and feeling to have ANY effect. You need to believe what you’re thinking. Because if you don’t believe your self-suggestions they’ll never enter your subconscious.

Again think of it like watching a movie. Actors and actresses don’t just stand there and read words from a script, do they? No, they get you to believe what’s really happening by feeling real emotional responses to the story. Your feelings and emotions are so engaged with the story that your brain reacts like it’s really happening. Therefore you cry real tears, or feel real sadness, or fear, because your brain can’t tell the difference.

By mixing real feelings and emotions with your thoughts you’ll force your subconscious to believe what you’re thinking. And when your subconscious believes what you’re thinking, you’ll act accordingly, i.e. strong, confident.

Practice & repeat

Think of your subconscious like a well-protected fortress. Breaking through is no easy task. Similarly, self-suggestive thoughts now and then will do little to influence your subconscious. For a thought to make its way into your subconscious will require a combination of all the techniques I suggested above, mixed with real feelings and emotion, and practiced over and over again. This is your sure fire way to success!! Because if you can convince yourself that you have all the right capabilities, you’ll take action like you have those capabilities.

Key takeaways

  1. How we instinctively think, feel and act is governed by our subconscious. So our subconscious has more control over us then we have of it.
  2. But you can program your subconscious so that it’s your ally and not an enemy.
  3. Using a number of different techniques you can influence your subconscious.
  4. Your subconscious is a well protected fortress. It’ll take a lot of persistence and repetition to break through its barriers.

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