Happiness isn’t as complicated as you think
I’m not going to spend any time explaining why I’m asking you to do this. You’ll just have to trust me.
We live in a beautiful world, yet we’re so quick to complain about everything that goes wrong. And at the same time have so much to be thankful for, but take it for granted.How often do you stop and think about how good you’ve got it? I bet you stop more to think about what you don’t have rather than what you do, right? A lot of times in life things happen that we have no control over. But we do have control over how we respond.Being more thankful and appreciative of your life will not only make you feel better, but you’ll feel more energised too. The more you practice being thankful the more you’ll notice how great it was in the first place.
- Why are you thankful today? E.g. it’s a beautiful day, I’m alive, team won yesterday’s game, etc.
- How has someone helped you recently or in the past? E.g. someone held the lift for me today, partner cooked me a meal, etc.
- How have you helped someone else recently or in the past? E.g. helped a stranger when they were lost, helped partner with housework, etc.
- What are you grateful for in your life? E.g. have loving, supporting family and friends, etc.
Remember your reasons for being thankful don’t have to be big. Be thankful for the little things too. If you start identifying the little things you’ll find there’s a million reasons to be happy.
“If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see” ~ Iroh
Have a little Faith
If you haven’t, put simply it means, you attract into your life what you constantly think about, and nourish with repetition and emotion. I know how ridiculous it sounds, I shunned it first too. But I’d have saved myself a lot of anguish over many years if I’d just had a little faith.How is the LoA of benefit to your happiness?
- You may have been contributing to your unhappiness with what you continually thought about.
- You can now change that by thinking about what you want to attract into your life.
- You’ll feel better knowing that your life is only going to improve from here.
For the next month think about what you want to attract into your life and try to feel the difference too. And make sure to nourish these thoughts and feelings with repetition. But be careful not to fall into the trap of analysing how it’s possible. The more you analyse, the more you over-analyse. And when you over-analyse you find ways and convince yourself that what you want is not possible.
I can’t stress this enough, for the LoA to work you have to believe in its power. You have to believe that it works. If you don’t believe it won’t work and you’re wasting your time.
There are many reasons why we should all maintain routine exercise, including your happiness.
There is a direct link between physical activity and happiness. Endorphin’s, serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that contribute to our happiness, are released when we exercise. The more we exercise the more constantly they’re released.
And the effects of those hormones don’t wear off after exercise either. They stay with you and help elevate your mood when you’re not exercising. The more you maintain, the more these hormones will have a positive effect on your life.
Not exercising can have the exact opposite effect because you won’t have a steady supply of happiness hormones to balance your mood. As a result you’ll feel more irritable, tense, angry, frustrated, not to mention your sleep won’t be as good.
Be kind
You’re happier when you have love in your heart. It sounds cheesy I know, but it’s true. We live in very tense societies, so our emotional states are fragile at the best of times, making us much more susceptible to feelings of anger and hate.
I’m not saying that we all don’t need to vent every now and then, the issue is when that anger and hate begins to consume us. Like weeds they spread and infect our mind, body and spirit until we’re only a shell of who we used to be. But while anger and hate poisons us, loving-kindness revives and empowers us. It provides us with all of the emotions that we need to be happy. You’ll never be happy with anger and hate.Follow these suggestions to get you started:
- Be kind to everyone you meet and hope that their life will only improve.
- Wish the best for everyone, even those you dislike or those who’ve done you wrong.
- Don’t recall how someone has done you wrong, it’ll only stir up feelings of anger and hate.
- Let go of the hate or anger you’re holding towards someone else, i.e. break-ups, conflicts, etc. You’ll never be happy if you hold onto those negative emotions.
It’s easy to show loving-kindness to those we care about. But it’s hard to show the same to those we dislike. The more you practice showing loving-kindness to everyone, the happier you’ll become.
Try the above suggestions for a month and see if you feel any differently. When reflecting, remind yourself it was only a month, and with that, imagine what you can do with more time.
- Only love can defeat hate.
- Be grateful for what you have and happiness will come to you.
- You attract into your life what you constantly think about.
- The LoA is powerful, but to experience the benefits you have to believe in it fully.
- Exercise consistently to release happiness hormones.
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